Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Okay, so this post has little to do with Africa and so much more to do with how much our God has been doing in my life.
First I'll give you an update on Africa:
Roughly 1/3 of the funds have been raised/donated for the trip. Praise God. I have seen God be so faithful in so many ways and I thank  everyone of you who has donated. There is still 2/3 of the way to go and I pray for God to continue to provide. I ask all of you to keep praying for my heart and my teams hearts as we enter this opportunity. We have received the names of those going and I ask for all of you to pray for us by name ( listed below). Thank you for your support.

Now on to everything else! I have learned so much over the past few weeks about God. He has taught me about trust, sacrifice, and love. God has asked me to sacrifice a few things that I hold close to my heart, one specifically. It one of those situations where you know it will be so much better if give it to God because you are tired of carrying all that baggage but you just keep holding every little bit. This past weekend at our church's Winter Retreat, The Lord really showed me that all the stress and hurt I put myself though isn't worth it, that I will be let down time and time again by people I put my trust in, but when I completely trust him he will never ever let me down. His love is unfailing; He will never leave me or forsake me. Also, that sacrifice is giving something (money, relationships, time, anything) to God knowing that He might take it from you, but only because he knows that there is something bigger and better out there for you. I pray for His will, I pray that I can trust him and his plans, that His Desires become my hearts desires. He always answers them, and sometimes you are not prepared for the outcome. Letting God chisel out the parts of your life that are not  bring Him glory is going to be painful. Let your heart be broken before God because He is the only one who can put it back together.

Kenya and Uganda July 2012 Team:
Alicia Wilkins, Allison Fuller, Amber Perona, Annsley Rendleman, Emily Campbell, Emily Melson, Erica Voss, Erika Hofacker, Galilee Webb,Kathy Slone, Lexie Anders, Madison Aulner, Mandy Galambos, Meredith Chinnis, Michela Kuykendall, Ragen Cripps, Trish Yocum, Cathy Wicks, Doneva Cooper, Carol Harper, Mark and Lori Kanode, Jason Gina Brooklyn Nathan and Corbin Root, Lauren and Emilee Thompson